E3 BioFuels Facts

We are a business that is driven by values.

As part of our long-term objectives, we are committed to operating and expanding responsibly. We are disclosing all major data regarding our new and innovative Closed-Loop Manure Powered Ethanol Plant in Mead, Nebraska as a transparent partner. The ethanol plant will be powered by methane from the manure to produce gasoline-ethanol from corn with distillers grain as a byproduct for cattle feed.


This plant will create ethanol that is more than twice as energy-efficient as any other method of producing ethanol or fuel.

Construction of the Genesis Plant October 2005
Patent Acquired 2005 (By E3 Biofuels wholly-owned subsidiary)
Commercial Ethanol Production April 2007
Corn used by the Closed-Loop System 8.5 Million Bushels/ Year
Cattles at the Mead Feedlot 28000 Cattles
Ethanol Produced by the Genesis Plant 25 Million Gallons Ethanol/ Year
The Energy required to boil the on-site ethanol 100 Percent


● Future plants are expected to produce 50 million to 100 million gallons of ethanol each year.

● E3 BioFuels' wholly-owned subsidiary, E3 Operation Company, LLC, will be solely responsible for the management and operations of the plant.

● Feedlots and large dairies will be governed by laws governing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs):


Anaerobic Digester

Anaerobic digesters are essentially closed structures where manure organic matter is broken down in anaerobic conditions. This type of robust waste management facility breaks down the manure collected from a dairy or feedlot into biogas and sludge by using microbes. After the organic matter has been converted to biogas, it can be captured and used as a combustible gas for energy. In the E3 BioFuels-Mead system, Anaerobic digestion is conducted by using two four-million-gallon concrete tanks


Biogas is a renewable fuel produced by the decomposition of organic waste like food scraps and animal manure. The breakdown of organic molecules in an anaerobic digester produces the biogas. It may be used for a variety of things, including making automotive gasoline, heating, and generating electricity.

Whole Stillage

A Whole stillage is a stream that contains both dissolved and undissolved solids. It's an unprocessed by-product of ethanol production that's high in protein, oils, and cellulosic fibre.

Thin Stillage

A stream with just dissolved materials is known as a thin stillage. This is the waste product of whole stillage that is blended with manure in the E3 BioFuels-Mead anaerobic digester to increase biogas production efficiency and utilise corn cellulose.

Wet Distillers Grain (WDG)

The fraction of stillage that is fed to calves without being dried on-site is referred to as wet distillers grain (WDG), sometimes known as a wet cake. Wet distillers grains are the most prevalent co-product by volume after the fermentation of maize starch to ethanol. The "soluble fraction," a nutrient-rich syrup that can be sold for feeding or reintroduced back into the end product to generate WDG, is isolated during the fermentation process.